Any regime that comes to power will undoubtedly want to renegotiate the contracts, which could see less profit for the oil companies. 无论是谁接管了政权,新政权无疑会想要重新协商这些合同,而这将削减石油公司的利润。
And just about every company, BP included, is poised to profit off of the high price of oil. 而且恰恰是这这些公司,BP也不例外,都时刻准备从高企的油价中大获其利。
Andrew Leach, an economist and professor of energy policy at the University of Alberta, said that the American figure inflated the break-even point by including a 12 percent profit margin for oil producers. 艾伯塔大学(UniversityofAlberta)经济学家,研究能源政策的教授安德鲁·里奇(AndrewLeach)说,美国的数据高估了收支平衡点,因为其中计入了石油生产商12%的利润率。
David Redmond, employed by the commodities team at Morgan Stanley in February 2008, in fact made a profit from the positions in oil futures that he concealed overnight, but was nonetheless sacked by his bank after they discovered his actions. 戴维雷德蒙德(DavidRedmond)于2008年2月被摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的大宗商品部门聘用。他前夜隐瞒的石油期货头寸事实上获利了,但银行发现之后还是将他辞退了。
He says the Kurdish government allowed cronies to profit from an oil deal, which should have been strictly between Kurdistan and the foreign oil company that won the contract. 他说,库尔德政府允许他们的亲友从一项石油协议中获利。这本来应该是库尔德地区和外国石油公司之间的协议。
Unlike western companies, whose prime concern is the profit made from selling the oil, the Chinese seem more eager to secure the physical commodity. 与西方公司主要担心出售石油的利润不同,中国企业似乎更渴望获得实物大宗商品。
Through analysis of key profit point of oil storage and transportation in production of refineries, an information flow model of oil storage and transportation is built up, and a network management information system is designed. 摘要通过对炼化企业生产活动中的油品储运效益关键点进行深入地分析,建立油品储运业务信息流模型,设计了油品储运网络化管理信息系统结构。
However, Kal said operating profit was down 41 per cent because of higher oil prices. 不过,大韩航空表示,由于油价上涨,运营利润下降了41%。
The profit of the oil production industry reached the historical record last year. 石油产业的利润去年达到了历史记录。
It is crass and cynical to view this operation as being motivated by greed, profit, or the second-largest oil reserves in the Middle East. 只有那些野蛮粗鲁而又愤世嫉俗的人,才会把这一军事行动看作是受到贪婪、利润或者中东第二大石油储藏地的利益驱使!
Profit& loss Equilibrium AnaIysis to Oil and Gas Exploitation Enterprise 采油采气企业盈亏平衡分析
Analysis on the Profit Sensitivity of Oil Field Enterprises 陕北石油秩序油田企业利润的敏感性分析
The slowdown in economic growth and the poor profit situation of industrial enterprises reduced domestic demand for oil products. 经济增长减慢和工业企业经济效益降低,使国内石油产品需求增长减缓;
While giving an introduction of oil product market in Europe and America, approximate estimation of profit and analysis of the tariff on oversea oil product market, the author points out the feasibility of the construction of oversea gas stations. 再通过介绍欧美成品油市场情况,盈利的概算和海外市场成品油关税的分析进一步提出在海外建加油站的可行性。最后对在海外建加油站提出了建议。
The results indicate that the ratio of output to investment and the profit ( per ton feedstock) for oil preparation with dehulling are higher than that the control ( without dehulling). 分析表明,脱皮制油新工艺的产出投资比和吨料加工利润均比未脱皮制油工艺高。
Based on techno-economic method, he get real option approach to evaluate the profit of oil/ gas exploration investment. 在技术经济方法评价油气勘探投资效益的基础上,引入了实物期权评价方法,并运用实物期权方法对油气勘探进行了定量分析。
The oil development economic estimate by application of economic limited value can provide the gist for gaining the best profit in oil field companies, which vary from output type to profit type. 本文主要应用经济界限值进行油田开发经济评价,对石油企业由产量型转为效益型,以便取得最大利润提供了科学依据。
Its method may be applied to the cost control of oil and gas field development so that the oil and gas production cost may be lowered and the economic profit of oil and gas field development enhanced. 其方法可用于油气田开发成本的控制,以降低油气开采成本,提高油气田开发经济效益。
In accordance with Marx's cost-price theory, established is an exploration cost model in value assessment of oil reserves, which describes the differential profit of an oil reserve unit by way of value grading. 依据马克思成本价格理论,利用价值分级技术描述石油储量单元的级差收益,建立了石油储量价值评估的勘探成本模型。
Market share of top tier lubricants will finally determine the market position and profit level of lubricating oil companies. 高端润滑油市场的占有率将最终决定润滑油企业的市场地位和利润水平,从某种意义上说,润滑油市场得高端者得天下。
Forecasting, applying the obtained model AR ( 1) to forecasting the future profit value of grain and vegetable oil industry. 预测,根据所得到的AR(1)模型预测未来期粮油工业利用值。
The result shows that the development of medium-low grade bentonite ore with high profit is feasible to be used in oil based mud for well drilling. 将有机膨润土应用于钻井油基泥浆中,各项指标均已达到要求,研究表明新疆乌兰陵格膨润土的高附加值开发是可行的。
The slump of oil price in 1986 resulted in the sharp fall of the profit for oil companies. 1986年油价暴跌后,导致石油公司的利润锐减。
The re-division of the market share will narrow the profit space of domestic oil companies. In this new competitive environment, improving the management level of oil distribution network becomes an important way to improve the competitiveness of oil companies. 市场占有率的重新划分导致国内油企盈利空间变窄,在这种新的竞争环境下,提高成品油分销网络管理水平,即成为石油企业提高企业竞争力的重要途径。
Lubricants market as a whole space is still great, but to occupy a large profit margin is not an easy task, the lubricating oil profits are mainly concentrated in the high-end products, especially high-end products, high-end products and brand building density can not be separated. 润滑油市场整体空间依然很大,但要占据一个大的利润空间并非一件容易的事,润滑油的利润主要集中在中高端产品,尤其是高端产品,而高端产品与品牌的建设密不可分。
In this situation, to expand non-oil business, to create new profit growth point for development of the oil companies, has become one of the directions of development of the oil companies. 在这种局势下,拓展非油品业务,为石油企业的发展创造新的利润增长点,已经成为国内石油企业发展的方向之一。
Last but not the least, in oil blending application, targeted for minimum cost and maximum profit, it establishes target functions during oil blending progress and apply the suggested algorithm in oil blending. 最后,在油品调和应用中,以成本最小化、产值最大化为目标,建立了油品调和过程的两个目标函数,将提出的算法应用到油品调和过程中去。
Along with the continuous development of petroleum industry and economic profit brought by it, accidents like oil spill at sea also happen more frequently. 石油工业不断发展,带来经济利益的同时,也带来频发不断的海上溢油事故。
The development of biodiesel industry is seriously hindered by low profit due to the high cost of raw oil. 随着原料油脂价格的上行波动,单纯的生物柴油产品利润很低,产业发展严重受阻。